Sunday, March 30, 2008


One of the most notable advanced applications for 4G systems is location based services. 4G location applications would be based on visualized, virtual navigation schemes that would support a remote database containing graphical representations of streets, buildings, and other physical characteristics of a large metropolitan area. This database could be accessed by a subscriber in a moving vehicle equipped with the appropriate wireless device, which would provide the platform on which would appear a virtual representation of the environment ahead.
For example, one would be able to see the internal layout of a building during an emergency rescue. This type of application is sometimes referred to as "Telegeoprocessing", which is a combination of Geographical Information Systems (GIS) and Global Positioning Systems (GPS) working in concert over a high-capacity wireless mobile system.
Telegeoprocessing over 4G networks will make it possible for the public safety community to have wireless operational functionality and specialized applications for everyday operations, as well as for crisis management.
The emergence of next generation wireless technologies will enhance the effectiveness of the existing methods used by public safety. 3G technologies and beyond could possibly bring the following new features to public safety:

5.1. Virtual navigation:

As described, a remote database contains the graphical representation of streets, buildings, and physical characteristics of a large metropolis. Blocks of this database are transmitted in rapid sequence to a vehicle, where a rendering program permits the occupants to visualize the environment ahead. They may also "virtually" see the internal layout of buildings to plan an emergency rescue, or to plan to engage hostile elements hidden in the building.

5.2. Tele-medicine:

A paramedic assisting a victim of a traffic accident in a remote location could access medical records (e.g., x-rays) and establish a video conference so that a remotely based surgeon could provide “on-scene” assistance. In such a circumstance, the paramedic could relay the victim's vital information (recorded locally) back to the hospital in real time, for review
by the surgeon.

5.3. Crisis-management applications:

These arise, for example, as a result of natural disasters where the entire communications
infrastructure is in disarray. In such circumstances, restoring communications quickly is essential. With wideband wireless mobile communications, both limited and complete communications capabilities, including Internet and video services, could be set up in a matter of hours. In comparison, it may take days or even weeks to re-establish communications capabilities when a wire line network is rendered inoperable.

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